Whispers in the mist
Ocean dunes
Echos in the wind
Sand settles
Bees buzz
Replacing sound
with Honor
Hear the wings a'flutter
See the energy flow
Onward gentle being
Upon a splendid flower
All the world to see
Speed of lightening wings
Carry you to be free
Burst of life
Behold forever in our senses
In the grass they lay
humble to live upon the soil
copyright 2016 Amber Higgins
Learn How Your Family Dogs Can Rescue You...
Check out my books
"My Puppy Can Find Me" coming very soon 2016, children's book shows children what to do in disasters.
The "Family Disaster Dogs " book published 2015, ebook, events and free lessons at www.familydisasterdogs.com
See the cool dog site I built here too..www.familydisasterdogs.net
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